

Z-Health is neurocentric education for health and fitness professionals. Professionals that are trained with Z-Health’s curriculum have an extensive skillset built around movement neurology, pain neurophysiology, visual and vestibular interactions with the musculoskeletal system, motor learning concepts, behavior modification approaches, and more.

Physical Therapist, Barbara Chappell, is a certified Z-Health Practitioner having completed the R-phase and I-Phase Certifications. For more information on booking an appointment with Barbara, please give us a call at (904) 387-9355.

Training for Health & Fitness Professionals

Learn new skills in understanding how the body and brain work together.

  • Training includes topics such as:
    • Movement Neurology
    • Biomechanics and Kinesiology
    • Pain Neuroscience
    • Vestibular Rehabilitation
    • Motor Learning Theory and Application
    • Modern Strength and Mobility Training
    • Respiratory Rehabilitation and Training
    • And more!

Interested in Learning More?

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