Polestar Pilates Education

About Polestar Pilates

Synergy Studio is a Polestar Pilates Education LLC affiliated studio.

All instructors at our studio have been completed Polestar Teacher Training and have passed the Polestar Examination.

We offer the perfect blend of online and onsite instruction for convenience and flexibility.

Polestar’s Teacher Training is professional development that will change the course of your career. As our lead educator, Lynn Peterson likes to say, “Polestar is critical thinking as much as it is choreography”

Click below for more information on pricing, dates, prerequisites and an informative video.

Polestar Teacher Training Program will equip you to:

• Teach Pilates movements on all the Pilates apparatus (Reformer, Trapeze Table, Chair, Ladder Barrel and Spine Corrector)
• Understand precautions, contraindications and modifications for injury and special populations
• Utilize tactile cueing to provide hands-on guidance
• Employ neuro-linguistic techniques and imagery to give meaningful cues
• Build confidence through observation and practice teaching
• Assess and develop thoughtful programs for any client
• Prepare meaningful sequences based on Polestar’s sequencing design protocol

In the new programming that Polestar has launched material is delivered in 3 different formats:

Asynchronous: The course material is provided online including pre-recorded videos designed to provide self-paced learning.

Synchronous: Online, live-streamed group sessions delving in to lecture topics and Fitness Screenings in real time with the opportunity to ask questions of the educator.

On-Site: Live in-person learning with the educator taught locally at Synergy Studio.

Pre-requisites for the Comprehensive course are as follows:

– Completion of Principles Online
– Completion of Comprehensive Mat Foundations Online
– Participation in 25 hours of group or private pilates classes at any location. *Training with a Polestar Instructor is encouraged but not required*
– Polestar Anatomy Course or completion of one semester of basic anatomy/physiology or equivalent
– To qualify for the Rehabilitation diploma, you must be a licensed or certified health care professional (MD, PT, DO, DC, ATC). All other applications qualify for Studio diploma.


Please feel free to call the Studio at (904)-387-9355 with any of your questions.

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