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The Science Behind Konnector


Proprioception is the sensory system that tells us where our body is in space and how it is moving. Konnector provides excellent proprioceptive feedback because with all four limbs connected, it is easy to feel how movement in one limb affects the other limbs. When proprioception is enhanced, the ability to sense and correct imbalances is improved. Because all four limbs can move independently but remain connected through one rope, the Konnector replicates the architecture of the human body by stimulating the connections between the upper and lower body, between the right and left sides of the body and between one arm and the opposite leg. These connections mimic the neuromyofascial chains within the body and create an effective training environment for functional movement. This is the heart of the Konnector method and the reason why it increases the effectiveness of a Reformer workout.

Why The Konnector?

• Enhances proprioception leads to increased awareness of imbalances & asymmetries.
• The interconnection of all 4 limbs creates true integration of the limbs and the trunk by reflecting the fascial connections in the body.

• Creates an environment that easily replicates functional movement patterns like reciprocal leg motion and rotation.
• Expands the potential of the Reformer to improve movement patterns effectively and efficiently.

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